Famous women from Northampton or who have links to the town.Famous women from Northampton or who have links to the town.
Famous women from Northampton or who have links to the town.

International Women’s Day: 11 famous women who are from or have links to Northampton

Did you know all these women have links to the shoe town?

Today (March 8) marks International Women’s Day (IWD) and there are plenty of amazing non-famous and famous women from Northampton, or who have links to the town, to celebrate.

This year the IWD theme is #BreakTheBias which aims to smash stereotypes, break inequality and call out bias.

And to further celebrate the global day of recognition, Chronicle & Echo has put together a list of remarkable, well-known female celebrities who have all achieved incredible things.

These 11 women are from or have links to Northampton.

(If you think we missed anyone, drop us an email on [email protected]).

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