Dodgy parking in Far CottonDodgy parking in Far Cotton
Dodgy parking in Far Cotton

Take a look at some of this shocking parking in one Northampton neighbourhood – residents say it's a 'nightmare'

“Half the bad parkers are delivery drivers," says angry resident

Take a look at some of the ‘nightmare’ parking that is blighting one busy Northampton neighbourhood.

Residents in Far Cotton have heavily criticised the poor parking standards in their area, especially down the busy St Leonard’s Road.

From Smart cars parked vertically, to Nissan Micras and 4x4 BMWs parked across the path, could this be the worst parking in Northampton?

Independent councillor Julie Davenport (Delapre and Rushmere ward) thinks so and outlined some reasons why parking standards have dropped in the area.

The councillor said: “Far Cotton has had parking problems for many years. We fought against HMOs because we knew that would add to the parking problems, and it has.

"We’ve also had to deal with the building of the Angel Square council offices with no parking for staff, they park in Far Cotton and walk into town.

"Then the University opened with no parking for students so they park in Far Cotton. A huge block of apartments is being built where the Tivoli was without sufficient parking spaces.

“We try to express at planning meetings that Far Cotton cannot take anymore cars but they have stated in the past ‘students don’t have cars’ or ‘people in HMOs don’t have cars’. Planning officers state that if a property is within 300 metres of a bus stop people will use the bus. Surely they can’t believe this, it’s totally farcical to say these things.

“On a site visit Cllr Phil Larratt agreed to a trial parking permit zone in Ransome Road, Southfield Avenue and Claughton Road if residents agree. If it’s successful it can be extended throughout Far Cotton (with residents’ consent). It might be the only option.”

One Far Cotton resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, blamed the amount of takeaways in the area.

He said: “General parking is a nightmare down St Leonard’s Road in the evening with people going to the takeaway places – we have 17 so far. Half the bad parkers are delivery drivers."

Take a look through our picture gallery to see some of the truly horrendous parking in Far Cotton.

From Smart cars parked vertically, to Nissan Micras and 4x4 BMWs parked across the path, could this be the worst parking in Northampton?

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