The tapas restaurant has a 4.7 out of five star rating from 663 Google reviews. It was last inspected on: 11 February 2022.The tapas restaurant has a 4.7 out of five star rating from 663 Google reviews. It was last inspected on: 11 February 2022.
The tapas restaurant has a 4.7 out of five star rating from 663 Google reviews. It was last inspected on: 11 February 2022.

These are the 13 highly rated Northampton restaurants on Google which have a three star hygiene rating

Inspectors gave these popular establishments three stars out of five for food hygiene

The Food Standards Agency scheme gives businesses a rating from five to zero which is displayed at their premises and online so you can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.

Establishments rated five are deemed to have hygiene standards which are very good, those rated zero are told urgent improvement is needed.

Ratings show how well the business is doing overall, based on standards found at the time of inspection.

Local inspectors visit any place where food is handled, stored or prepared — but do not take into account quality of the food, customer service, culinary skill, presentation or comfort.

These are establishments in Northampton listed on the Food Standards Agency website as being given a 'three' rating during 2022 and 2023 and have been told they have ‘generally satisfactory’ levels of hygiene standards.

They are also all highly rated on Google reviews, with at least a four out of five star rating from more than 100 Google reviews.

Information correct as at May 16, 2023.

Editor’s note: This article has been amended. The article originally included The Old House in Wellingborough Road, Northampton. This information was taken from the Food Standards Agency website. However, this information was incorrect and The Old House has, in fact, a four star rating based on an inspection in February 2022. The FSA has now updated their website. We are happy to clarify the situation.

Ratings show how well the business is doing overall, based on standards found at the time of inspection.