Take a look back at 25 photos 'mini celebrity' Disco Henry took while out at Lava and Fever in Northampton in October 2009.
Disco Henry has been taking photos of revellers in Northampton and Wellingborough nightclubs since 2004 - he was possibly one of the first in the town to really utilise the internet and social media to provide people with memories of their nights out.
In an exclusive interview with Chronicle & Echo, Disco Henry gave an insight into what it's been like being a "mini celebrity" across the county.
He said: "I would say I'm a mini celebrity in Northants. If you asked most people I would say they know me. People know of me and obviously my Facebook, which has about 26,000 followers now.
"It's lovely to be recognised and to be appreciated for my work. I think 99 percent of people appreciate what I do. I just do it because I love people.
"When people look back on my pictures they say how good the nights out were. I was taking a thousand photos some nights. I have probably met and pictured millions of people.
"Between 2006 and 2015 were my favourite years. My favourite nights were at NB's and Lava Ignite because of the larger capacity of people. Embargos was great. Groove was great, too. It was a lot more fun 10 years ago than it is now, there was more camaraderie."

1. October 2009 Saturday night out in Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Lava and Fever 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

2. October 2009 Saturday night out in Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Lava and Fever 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

3. October 2009 Saturday night out in Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Lava and Fever 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

4. October 2009 Saturday night out in Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Lava and Fever 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry