Will older people still be wanted after this?

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Letter to the editor

I enjoyed Peter Cousins’ interesting letter (May 14 ). As many of us have pointed out the present pandemic is detrimental to those in old age, with disability or otherwise disadvantaged.

As Peter implies we also need to show compassion for the very young. These are also fellow beings and loved by God.

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It strikes me as very presumptuous for one to regard any human being as not loved by God or that He does regard the unborn as not human.

While I may not agree with them there are arguments as whether a younger foetus can be considered human or whether it is right to to bring a severely disabled child into the world.

However, if a baby born at 24 weeks can be viable it is totally illogical not to regard him or her as being human.

As for regarding those with certain conditions, I must point that there are vociferous people with the message “how dare you treat me as inhuman”. Sadly, often abortions occur simply because the child is unwanted. This makes some of us older ones feel vulnerable; will some of us become no longer valued and be euthanised as unwanted?

Colin Bricher

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