Park Life: Generations of enjoyed our fantastic park...and it's still free to get in

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Incredibly, close to 100 years after it first opened, entry to Wicksteed Park remains free of charge.

This is a testament to the generations of Wicksteed Charitable Trust trustees and staff, who have wholeheartedly embraced Charles Wicksteed’s vision and striven to keep it alive and relevant.

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Never has that been more relevant than now, as the green space access that we have provided during the coronavirus crisis has been crucial for many people’s mental health and wellbeing.

In some ways Wicksteed Park and its future are nowhere near the top of people’s priorities, as they become ill, lose loved ones and struggle to make ends meet financially.

But millions of people across the country and generations of families love Wicksteed Park and have scores of happy memories made here.

It is a touchstone in their lives and a representation of the fun times they have had - and when the country comes out of the other side of this crisis, as it inevitably will, it will be one of the places that people will want to return to as a sign that normality has returned.

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The park has never benefitted from the public funds which council-owned or national parks enjoy, relying instead on income generated by Wicksteed Park Ltd as well as charitable donations, car parking charges and, on occasion, the sale of land to help balance the books.

More than 400,000 of the 850,000 visits to the park each year generate no revenue at all as we offer free access to support the local community.

However, if we want it to stay for many millions of people in the future to enjoy then we need to protect and preserve it.

It is vital that people continue to enjoy this important local amenity whilst exercising and appreciating the open space.

We have been overwhelmed by messages of support received from people across the country during the current crisis and would like to thank people for their continued backing and loyalty.

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