Who’s been in court from Northampton, Daventry, Bugbrooke, Harpole, Collingtree, Quinton and Earls Barton
and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565
■ These cases were heard by Northamptonshire magistrates on March 4
JOHN FERRIS, aged 46, of Clickers Drive, Northampton, common assault; fined £115, compensation of £150, costs £85.
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Hide AdROBERT BARRETT, aged 33, of Cambridge Street, Northampton, production of cannabis; fined £49, surcharge £20, costs £85.

SCOTT COOKE, aged 33, of Montague Crescent, Northampton, six counts of between November 11 and November 24, 2023, stealing sandwiches, chocolate, milkshakes, two Monster Energy Drinks and laundry liquid to a total value of £184 from the Co-op; fined £150, compensation of £155, costs £85.
MATTHEW FELCE, aged 58, of Winchester Road, Northampton, drink driving; fined £623, surcharge £249, costs £85, disqualified for 20 months.
PAUL MERRYMAN, aged 37, of Clarke Road, Northampton, drink driving; 100 hours unpaid work, surcharge £114, costs £85, disqualified for 26 months.
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Hide AdGRACJAN KOLEK, aged 20, of Greenside, Northampton, assault by beating of a police officer, possession of crack cocaine, possession of cannabis, possession of a knife blade / sharp pointed article in a public place; five months in prison suspended for 12 months, 300 hours unpaid work, compensation of £100, costs £85.
RICHARD LAW, aged 41, of Damselfly Road, Northampton, sent Snapchat messages of an indecent / offensive nature; fined £100, surcharge £40, costs £85.
NAVPREET SIDHU, aged 31, of Newcombe Road, Northampton, used threatening / abusive / insulting words / behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress, criminal damage to a vehicle, six counts of between July 27 and August 14, 2023, stealing goods of a value unknown from One-Stop Shop; 17 weeks in prison, compensation of £520.
HARLEY BRANCH, aged 31, of Franklin Street, Northampton, possession of cannabis; conditionally discharged for six months, surcharge £26, costs £85.
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Hide AdBENJAMIN SAUNDERS, aged 37, of Larkhall Way, Harpole, 180 hours unpaid work, surcharge £114, costs £85, disqualified for 40 months.
JOHN VASSEL, aged 37, of Dimock Square, Northampton, assault by beating; 100 hours unpaid work, £100 compensation, surcharge £114, costs £85.
Anthony STEPHENSON, aged 46, of address unknown, four counts of breaching court orders; 28 days in prison.
■ These cases were heard on March 5
BRADLEY JARVIS, aged 40, of no fixed abode, assault by beating of a Police Community Support Officer, indecent exposure; 230 hours unpaid work, compensation of £100, surcharge £114, costs £85.
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Hide AdKIMBERLEY HARVEY, aged 22, of Blisworth Close, Northampton, stole items to the the value of £49.60 from Marks & Spencer BP, stole five steaks to the value of £30 from Morrisons, four counts of between December 29, 2023, and February 8, 2024, stealing shoes, Lego and clothing to the known value of £595 from Dobbies Garden Centre; community order with requirement to abstain from alcohol for 120 days, compensation of £704.60.
KIMBERLEY HARVEY, aged 22, of Blisworth Close, Northampton, failed to comply with community requirement of a suspended sentence order, committed a further offence while subject to a conditional discharge; fined £50,
SUNDAY ADENIYI, aged 57, of Farndon Close, Northampton, obstructed / resisted police; fined £200, compensation of £50, surcharge £80, costs £85.
CLARK SMITHSON, aged 22, of no fixed abode, possession of cannabis; conditionally discharged for 18 months.
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Hide AdROBERT HALL, aged 57, of Drywell Court, Northampton, drove while disqualified, no insurance; 12 weeks in prison, surcharge £154, costs £85, disqualified for three years.
PAUL FREEMAN, aged 51, of Forest Road, Northampton, harassment; court order, surcharge £114, costs £85.
LAURA TUTTON, aged 35, of Lodore Gardens, Northampton, theft, used threatening / abusive words / behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, failed to answer police/court bail; community order, surcharge £114, costs £85.
CLARK SMITHSON, aged 22, of Leyside Court, Northampton, possession of cannabis; conditionally discharged for 18 months.
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Hide AdCAINE PIDGELY, aged 25, of Golden Crescent, Earls Barton, drink driving; fined £300, surcharge £120, costs £85, disqualified for 17 months.
JACK PATRICK DEVINE, aged 28, of Watering Lane, Collingtree, failed to comply with a community order; fined £160.
JACK PATRICK DEVINE, aged 28, of Watering Lane, Collingtree, failed to comply with supervision requirements imposed following release from prison; seven days in prison, costs £60.
KYLE CONFUE, aged 32, of Danetree Drive, Daventry, failed to comply with a community order; six weeks in prison, costs £60.
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Hide AdPETRISOR ALEXANDRU, aged 34, of Hampton Street, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £293, surcharge £117, costs £90, six points.
ESTHER ASARE FORDJOUR, aged 42, of Chaser Way, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £280, surcharge £112, costs £90, six points.
EDUARD BUHUS, aged 27, of Blueberry Rise, Northampton, drove while not wearing a seat belt; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90.
TRIAN CALDARAR, aged 36, of Great Holme Court, Northampton, no insurance, defective tyre; fined £1,100, surcharge £440, costs £90, six points.
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Hide AdLUCIAN MARIUS CALIU, aged 21, of Knights Court, Northampton, carried a child passenger not wearing a seat belt; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90.
TIBERIU CAZAN, aged 25, of Beaconsfield Terrace, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £880, surcharge £352, costs £90, six points.
GHEORGHITA CHIRITA, aged 47, of Windsor Crescent, Northampton, speeding; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90, three points.
SAMUEL CLARE, aged 24, of Hartwell Road, Quinton, drove a vehicle with anti-lock braking system warning light illuminated; fined £333, surcharge £133, costs £90, three points.
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Hide AdCHRISTOPHER GREGORY DAVIES, aged 39, of Lincoln Street, Northampton, speeding; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90, three points.
AUREL DUNA, aged 43, of Albany Road, Northampton, drove while not wearing a seat belt, two counts of carrying a child passenger not wearing a seat belt; fined £330, surcharge £132, costs £90.
VIOREL GHEORGHE, aged 38, of Lower Adelaide Street, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence; fined £69, fined £138, surcharge £82, costs £90, six points.
GAVIN WAYNE GLOVER, aged 34, of Cub Close, Bugbrooke, drove while using a hand-held mobile telephone; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90, six points.
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Hide AdROBERT GABRIEL GUDD, aged 21, of Raynsford Road, Northampton, fined £266, surcharge £106, costs £90, six points.
MADALIN VASILE JUNCU, aged 32, of Beaconsfield Terrace, Northampton, speeding; fined £680, surcharge £272, costs £90, six points.
CHARLES KAZIBONI, aged 34, of Nicholls Court, Northampton, drove without due care and attention, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £1,100, surcharge £440, costs £90, six points.
BENIAMIN BOGDAN CRISTIAN LAMBA, aged 23, of Newington Road, Northampton, speeding, drove while using a hand-held mobile device; fined £322, surcharge £128, costs £90, six points.
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Hide AdRACHEL SARAH MITCHELL, aged 38, of Dandelion Close, Northampton, no insurance; fined £660, surcharge £264, costs £90, six points.
JASON YEBOAH MORRISON, aged 19, of Somerset Drive, Northampton, no insurance, no MoT; fined £660, surcharge £352, costs £90, six points.
IONEL ALIN NITA, aged 42, of Alwyn Close, Northampton, failed to give information identifying a driver alleged to be guilty of an offence; fined £660, surcharge £264, costs £90, six points.
MARY NJOKI, aged 27, of Great Ground Walk, Grange Park, drove without due care and attention; fined £440, surcharge £176, costs £90, six points.
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Hide AdIONUT PERCA, aged 30, of Ash Street, Northampton, no insurance, drove while not wearing a seat belt; fined £880, surcharge £352, costs £90, six points.
BRYONY DAWN SIDWELL, aged 36, of Pontefract Avenue, Towcester, speeding; fined £173, surcharge £69, costs £90, three points.
KYLE ANTHONY SNEDKER, aged 33, of Greatmeadow, Northampton, drove while using a hand-held mobile telephone; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90, six points.
KYLE MARTIN SPENCER, aged 20, of Croft Way, Weedon, no MoT; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90.
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Hide AdCHRISTOPHER NORMAN STAGG, aged 60, of Radstone, Brackley, speeding; fined £446, surcharge £178, costs £90, three points.
FLORIN FERNANDO VESA, aged 23, of Humber Close, Northampton, speeding; fined £220, surcharge £88, costs £90, three points.
TINOTENDA ZOLEKA ZABULA, aged 22, of Duston Road, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £244, surcharge £97, costs £90, six points.
SIMON BURGESS, aged 62, of Addlecroft Close, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £880, surcharge £352, costs £90, eight points.
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Hide AdTUDOR CROITORU, aged 36, of Trinity Avenue, Northampton, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £72, surcharge £28, costs £90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending.
MATTHEW ANTHONY FARR, aged 38, of Cox Gardens, Greens Norton, failed to give information identifying a driver alleged to be guilty of an offence; fined £660, surcharge £264, costs £90, disqualified for 12 months due to repeat offending.
ALFIE FREDERICK-HIGHAM, aged 22, of Linden Way, Daventry, drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence, no insurance; fined £138, surcharge £55, costs £90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending.
SYLWIA ANNA KWASNA, aged 34, of Waveney Close, Daventry, no insurance, no MoT; fined £880, surcharge £352, costs £90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending.
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Hide AdNICOLA LOTT, aged 54, of Manor Road, Earls Barton, no insurance; fined £90, surcharge £36, costs £90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending.
BALANCA NICU, aged 55, of Gordon Street, Northampton, no insurance; fined £440, surcharge £176, costs £90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending.
■ We understand that some people may be angry or upset to see their name and address published here but covering court cases acts as a deterrent against crime and it is important that justice is being seen to be done.
Under English Law, it is a general principle that criminal court proceedings for adults should be held openly and in public. Verdicts and sentences are normally given out in open court and so are in the public domain. Newspapers such as ours therefore have the right to publish outcomes of all such criminal court cases.
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