LinkedIn reveals the time that workers begin 'Christmas Coasting'

Leading workplace platform LinkedIn has revealed that the 20th December is the time when we all take it that little bit easier and wind down for the festive break.

‘Christmas Coasting’ begins in just a few days and sees professionals swap hustle culture for an easier work life, with over a third (35%)  saying they’re more relaxed this time of year.

Just 5% say they feel guilty about taking their foot off the gas at this time of year, while some admit to putting off starting new tasks until the following year (20%). Further to this, LinkedIn found that nearly a third (30%) of British workers who admit to ‘Christmas Coasting’ still get the job done, just at a more leisurely pace.

More than a quarter (26%) say they’re using the quieter time to tick off outstanding tasks on their things-I-never-got-round-to lists in a bid to get ahead when January arrives. 

LinkedIn Career Expert, Charlotte Davies shares her three fail-proof tips on how to make the most of the Christmas Coasting period, as well as the one thing to avoid:

  1. Consider using the downtime to upskill. If getting a promotion or pivoting your career is top of your New Year’s resolutions list, use the quieter time ahead of Christmas to learn and develop new skills. Investing in your development can benefit your employer too, so it’s worth having a conversation with your manager about what learning opportunities are available. Alternatively, there are a whole host of free LinkedIn Learning courses available at to help you upskill. 

  2. Be more social: A quarter of Brits (26%) say they use the Christmas Coasting period to get to know their colleagues better and with many of us doing our work at a slightly less manic pace, the pre-Christmas quiet is a great opportunity to strengthen relationships for the future and understand how best to work with your wider team.

  3. Enjoy the slower pace: LinkedIn data has found that despite roughly two-thirds (62%) of working Brits listing work-life balance as a top priority, nearly half of us (44%) find it difficult to switch off from work and enjoy a well-earned break*. While not everyone can completely switch off in the lead-up to Christmas, if your job allows you to take your foot off the gas after a busy year don’t feel bad about it so that you can come back in January raring to go! 

The one thing to avoid

  1. Don’t forget the year that just happened: The slower pace is a great time to take stock of the year and your accomplishments. Take note of what you have achieved throughout 2023, what you're most proud of, and instances when you performed well. Taking a moment to look back on what you’ve done can not only boost your confidence and help you feel ready for the coming year, but will also be useful when the time comes for your next performance review.