Since 2004, Disco Henry has been capturing the vibrant nightlife in Northampton and Wellingborough nightclubs.
In an interview with the Chronicle & Echo, Disco Henry shared what it’s been like to be a “mini celebrity” throughout the county.
He said: “I would say I'm a mini celebrity in Northants. Most people know me. They’re familiar with my Facebook page, which now has about 26,000 followers.
“It’s wonderful to be recognized and appreciated for my work. I think 99 percent of people value what I do. I do it because I love connecting with people.
“When people look back at my photos, they remember how fantastic their nights out were. Some nights, I would take a thousand photos. I’ve probably met and photographed millions of people.
“My favourite years were between 2006 and 2015. The best nights were at NB’s and Lava Ignite because of the large crowds. Embargos and Groove were fantastic too. It was a lot more fun ten years ago, with a stronger sense of camaraderie.”

1. June 2009 night out in Bridge Street, Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Chicago's 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

2. June 2009 night out in Bridge Street, Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Chicago's 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

3. June 2009 night out in Bridge Street, Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Chicago's 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry

4. June 2009 night out in Bridge Street, Northampton
Nostalgic pictures from a night out at Chicago's 15 years ago Photo: Disco Henry