The town 14 years agoThe town 14 years ago
The town 14 years ago

Take a look at 30 Google Maps pictures of what Northampton town centre looked like back in 2009

Do you remember when the town looked like this?

Take a look back at 30 Google Maps pictures of what Northampton town centre looked like back in 2009.

Google Maps' street view feature allows users to virtually traverse the streets of Northampton as they were in 2009.

This newspaper has scouted out the town on Google Maps back in 2009, screenshotting streets and places of note in the town centre.

In the span of 14 years, Northampton has undergone huge changes, and these snapshots provide a unique window into the town's evolution.

One striking observation from the images of 2009 show how the internet has changed the landscape of the High Street, with many products just a click of a button away instead of a trip into town.

As technology continues to advance and capture our surroundings, these digital archives will undoubtedly be cherished by future generations, offering them glimpses into the town's ever-evolving story.

Click through our gallery to see what the town looked like in 2009.

This newspaper has scouted out the town on Google Maps back in 2009, screenshotting streets and places of note in the town centre.

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