A number of schools and nurseries have been rated 'outstanding' in 2022.A number of schools and nurseries have been rated 'outstanding' in 2022.
A number of schools and nurseries have been rated 'outstanding' in 2022.

The 14 nurseries and schools in Northampton rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted in 2022

These schools and nurseries were given the best possible rating by Ofsted following their latest full inspections

Here are 14 schools and nurseries in Northampton that have been graded ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted in their latest inspections.

Following a full inspection of a school, the education watchdog grades the setting as either ‘inadequate’, ‘requires improvement’, ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’.

They come to the final decision by looking at the quality of education, leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, early years provision and sixth form provision.

Did your school make it to the list?

They come to the final decision by looking at the quality of education, leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, early years provision and sixth form provision.

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