The Chronicle & Echo asked its readers what shops and leisure facilities they believe would enhance Northampton and attract more tourism to the town.
Many of the suggestions stem from the idea of removing the need for local residents to travel by car or train to Milton Keynes to access certain stores and facilities - and, effectively, put Northampton back on the map.
Here are some of the most popular answers - what are your thoughts on these ideas?

Our readers believe these stores and facilities will help to put Northampton back on the map.

. Full Market
Many residents believe that the Market Square could provide more opportunities for both visiting and local artisan food sellers. At present, only a small section of the Market Square is used by the town's traders. Readers have also suggested the Market Square could be made more 'cosmopolitan' with restaurants that have heated outdoor seating and a licence to serve alcohol in the summer evenings along with music and entertainers. Photo: Kirsty Edmonds

1. Full Market
Many residents believe that the Market Square could provide more opportunities for both visiting and local artisan food sellers. At present, only a small section of the Market Square is used by the town's traders. Readers have also suggested the Market Square could be made more 'cosmopolitan' with restaurants that have heated outdoor seating and a licence to serve alcohol in the summer evenings along with music and entertainers. Photo: Kirsty Edmonds

2. A lido
Many readers want to see a heated outdoor pool introduced in Northampton - much like the Midsummer Meadow lido, which was closed in 1983.

A popular answer from readers was a big IKEA store. The thing is, the furniture company did apply to build a 30,500 square-metre store on the edge of Northampton in Grange Park in September 2002 - it was turned down by the now defunct South Northamptonshire Council. Photo: Pexels

4. Ice skating rink
To bring more leisure facilities to the town, many readers suggested building an ice skating rink - specifically at the old and now empty 'Toys R Us' site in St James Retail Park. The closest ice skating rink is currently at Planet Ice in Milton Keynes. Photo: Pexels