Oskar Lawkowski and his brother, Kacper, returned to playing at Northampton County Lawn Tennis Club on May 13, 2020, in Northampton. Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty ImagesOskar Lawkowski and his brother, Kacper, returned to playing at Northampton County Lawn Tennis Club on May 13, 2020, in Northampton. Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images
Oskar Lawkowski and his brother, Kacper, returned to playing at Northampton County Lawn Tennis Club on May 13, 2020, in Northampton. Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images | Getty

Anyone for tennis? Northampton club among first to allow members back in...but under strict restrictions

Move comes after changes to Covid-19 guidelines around sport

Families from the same household were back playing tennis at a Northampton club today, Wednesday, as part of the relaxation of lockdown guidelines.

Northampton County Lawn Tennis Club partially opened after receiving guidance from the Lawn Tennis Association.

Head coach Steve Biss explained that tight restrictions remained in place at the club and members were only able to play singles or doubles with players from the same household.

Individual, one on one, coaching may restart on Saturday but, again, with strict protocols in place, including the use of equipment, no sharing of tennis balls and staggered lesson times to ensure no contact with other households.

Steve said it had been a difficult couple of months during the lockdown.

"All the coaches have been without work, but we have been keeping busy for when there was a chance to get back," he said.

He said the support the LTA had been positive, both financially and with guidance on the restrictions.

But Steve said it certainly will not be going back to normal quickly, there are restrictions in place and the return will be closely managed and monitored by the club to ensure it is safe.

Head coach Steve Biss explained that tight restrictions remained in place at the club and members were only able to play singles or doubles with players from the same household.

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