Young swan died after being caught in discarded fishing line in Northampton park

The young swan became caught in the fishing line, which proved to be fatal.The young swan became caught in the fishing line, which proved to be fatal.
The young swan became caught in the fishing line, which proved to be fatal.

A young swan died after it became caught in a discarded fishing line in the water at a Northampton park.

RSPCA officers were called to Eastfield Park in Spinney Hill on July 7 to reports of one dead cygnet and one still alive both caught in a discarded fishing line.

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Inspector Michelle Hare attended the location, where the live swan had managed to get free, but it was already too late for the other.

RSPCA is now warning anglers about discarding their litter properly.RSPCA is now warning anglers about discarding their litter properly.
RSPCA is now warning anglers about discarding their litter properly.

She said: “It’s just heartbreaking to think this poor bird died as a result of someone not disposing of a fishing line correctly.

“Fortunately a second bird, who I understand was caught by the same line, had managed to get free.

“There was a concern that the bird still had some line on its beak. I checked the area and could not find the cygnet and I also returned the next day to check again and there were no cygnets with line on them so this one must have managed to get themselves free.

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“We are grateful to the members of the public who reported this to us.”

RSPCA is now reminding people of the dangers fishing litter can pose to wildlife.

As well as everyday rubbish, the RSPCA also sees many animals arriving into its care with terrible injuries caused by angling litter such as discarded fishing line and hooks to plastic netting.

Nearly 40 percent (1,510) of all litter-related calls to the RSPCA last year were about animals that had specifically become caught in fishing litter, from a seal being strangled by old fishing net to dozens of swans who swallowed or were pierced by old fishing hooks or became entangled in fishing line.

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A RSPCA spokeswoman added: “The majority of anglers do dispose of their litter properly and it is frustrating that those who don’t possibly don’t realise how dangerous it is to animals.

“Discarded line in particular is a terrible hazard for wildlife, particularly as it can be almost invisible.

“We strongly urge those who enjoy fishing to be extra cautious to make sure nothing is left behind.

“Most anglers are very responsible when disposing of their litter, but it only takes one piece of snagged line to be left in a tree or dropped near the water to endanger the life of an animal.

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“We ask that all those who enjoy fishing to follow the Angling Trust Take 5 campaign and make use of the recycling scheme to dispose of their waste tackle.”

If members of the public see discarded litter they are encouraged to pick it up safely and put it in the bin, remembering to wash their hands after. These actions could save an animal’s life.

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