Northampton Samaritans mark 50 years of listening with music and comedy charity night

Northampton Samaritans, which took their first call in February 1968, will mark their 50th year of listening with a music gig and comedy night.

The charity fundraiser is part of a string of celebrations commemorating 50 years of service for the Samaritans branch, in St Michael’s Avenue.

Taking place on Friday, January 26, Northampton Samaritans will present the ‘Hear Me Now’ night at The Black Prince pub in Abington Square, Northampton.

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Hear Me Now will raise awareness and funds so that the branch can continue to support people who are struggling with loneliness, depression and despair.

Samaritans Chair Julia Ginns said: “Samaritans in Northampton are proud to have reached their golden anniversary, which means 50 years of listening and being there for those in despair and who find life distressing and difficult to cope with.

“We look forward to continuing to be there for those who need someone to talk to.”

Hear Me Now will feature music by Houses In Motion, Moonface, and Cameron Grace, with comedy from Chris Harris.

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Antony Newby, from Houses In Motion said: “We’re very excited to take part in an event to celebrate all the good that Samaritans has done in the past and help support those who feel lonely, lost, abandoned and afraid.”

The Black Prince, will host the event for free and all the performers are donating their time to the cause, so that all the proceeds from ticket sales go the charity.

A raffle with prizes range from chocolates and wine, to vouchers for pet photography and a tracksuit donated by the Saints rugby team.

Attendees will also be offered a complimentary glitter beard upon arrival.

Tickets are £12.99 at with a limited number available on the door.