'It has to come to an end' - Curle adamant current season must be played out

Keith Curle.Keith Curle.
Keith Curle. | Getty
EFL to meet again this week

Cobblers boss Keith Curle has reiterated his strongly held belief that the current season must be played to a finish irrespective of how long it might take.

The EFL are to meet again this week as the game's various stakeholders seek a solution to the problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has brought a halt to all sport around the globe.

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The financial consequences of a long suspension to the season will be top of the agenda but with no restart looking imminent, the governing bodies must also work out a new schedule once play does resume.

Options include restarting the season from where it left off, cancelling the campaign with teams in their current positions or voiding it altogether.

With the Cobblers currently in the League Two play-off positions, Curle insists the season must be finished even if that means a delay to next season.

"No decision has been taken as yet but the powers that be are trying to come up with the best solution for all parties," he said.

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"But it's a bit like on a Saturday afternoon when I make a substitution, not everybody will be happy with the decision and not everybody will see the reason behind it until it all plays out.

"I'm glad I'm not one of the decision makers right now that has to find a solution but what I'd like to happen - and this is a purely personal view - is that this season has to end and the current fixtures have to be fulfilled.

"That might mean the start of next season is put back and it could take three or four years to readjust and for the season to go back to starting in August and finishing in May, but the important thing for me is that this season must come to an end."

Meanwhile, Curle has been keeping in regular contact with his players to ensure they're sticking to their fitness programmes.

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"We have face-time with the staff and the players and it's just about engaging with them," he added.

"We've split the players into four groups and we expect them to have outdoor training within the guidelines, alongside an indoor programme, so they're having to be creative.

"We do a press-up routine and every player has to send me a video link of them doing their press ups and then myself and Colin West also posted our videos.

"They have certain stipulations. They have to be facing the camera and they have to have a tin can under their chests and every press up has to touch the can.

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"They can be creative with the backdrop and Scotty Pollock was an excellent one because he had his goal against Carlisle playing on a loop in the background!"

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