Leader taking ‘key’ executive decisions for Northampton Borough Council while meetings are suspended

Council leader Jonathan Nunn is making 'key' executive decisions during the coronavirus outbreakCouncil leader Jonathan Nunn is making 'key' executive decisions during the coronavirus outbreak
Council leader Jonathan Nunn is making 'key' executive decisions during the coronavirus outbreak | jpimedia
Council leader Jonathan Nunn has been tasked with taking any ‘key executive’ decisions needed by Northampton Borough Council during the coronavirus pandemic.

The borough council has yet to hold a council meeting since the UK lockdown was ordered on March 23 by the Prime Minister. Legislation was amended to allow council’s to hold virtual meetings, but the council has yet to hold any – though this week admitted plans were in the pipeline to hold some later this month.

During April a number of ‘key’ executive decisions were made by Councillor Nunn, who has been the leader of the governing Conservative party since 2016. Any non-key decisions can still be taken by the respective cabinet members.

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The law states that cabinet decisions are ‘key’ decisions if they result in spending or saving of more than £250,000 or are likely to have significant effect on two or more wards in the borough.

Asked by the Local Democracy Reporting Service whether decisions were being taken by the chief executive – through emergency powers – or by any other senior councillors, a council spokesman said: “The chief executive already has emergency powers in the constitution, but these have not been implemented. Required executive decisions were made by the leader of the council (chair of cabinet) in accordance with our normal decision-making processes in the constitution.”

Councillors are still allowed to ‘call-in’ any decisions made by Councillor Nunn, and any executive decisions taken by the leader are being published on the council’s website.

Decisions taken during April include the purchase of a block of flats on Billing Road to turn into new affordable flats, and approving an addition to the conservation area for Barrack Road which means planning permission is required for any external changes to properties.

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Since members of the public are not currently able to attend meetings and speak about the decisions which are to be made, the council is inviting them to email in views on the decisions which are being made. When making decisions during this period the cabinet member concerned will take account of any written submissions sent before the deadline given.

Papers are being put up in advance of decisions being taken at the following web address.