General Election 2019: Andrea Leadsom says 'getting Brexit done' pledge led to surge in Conservative support

Andrea LeadsomAndrea Leadsom
Andrea Leadsom | jpimedia
Andrea Leadsom says the strong exit poll result for the Conservatives shows that people wanted "Brexit to be done and remove the uncertainty".

The Business Secretary was speaking to BBC Northampton at the count for the South Northamptonshire constituency, a seat Mrs Leadsom held going into the General Election.

She said: "To be perfectly honest, as business secretary travelling around the UK, everyone says that they desperately need the uncertainty to go away. People desperately want Brexit to be done so we can move on and concentrate on the issues that matter.

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"I think that there can be no doubt that we've had a couple of years of Parliament being log-jammed and people being sick and tired of it. However they voted in the referendum, there's no doubt that we can't be stuck in limbo.

"We want to be able to move on and talk about the things people really care about - more money for NHS and more police on our streets."

Speaking about the national Conservative campaign, Mrs Leadsom dismissed any notion that it had been a difficult campaign for Boris Johnson.

"I think Boris really appealed to people directly saying, come to the Conservative party and we will get Brexit done and move on and take advantage of the huge opportunties that await the United Kingdom once we leave the EU," she said.

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Mrs Leadsom was also confident that Brexit would happen by the end of January.

"If we can get a Conservative majority, we will be out of the EU by the end of January and there will then be 11 months of an implementation period to get the future trading relationships sorted."