Divide over Northampton school's decision to pull out of sports tournament over pupils' bad behaviour

Malcolm Arnold AcademyMalcolm Arnold Academy
Malcolm Arnold Academy | other
A Northampton school's decision to pull out of a national sports tournament over the behaviour of students has split Chronicle & Echo readers.

Many people supported Malcolm Arnold Academy denying pupils the chance to compete in the David Ross Education Trust's annual Winter Cup last week.

But others believed it was wrong to punish all of the football and netball players who would have gone for the behaviour of the minority.

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Among those who backed the Trinity Avenue school on Facebook was Anita Simmons: "It's good to see a school taking a stand on bad behaviour.

"When I was at school we were expected to be polite and well behaved in and outside school. If we weren't we were punished.

"The cane was used in those days. We also respected adults. Especially our family. There's not enough discipline now. My generation is appalled at what is happening these days."

In a similar vein, Kazzie Newcombe posted: "Great, about time. It’s sad everyone suffers but hopefully, they will learn from it and parents will be made aware of why and who have spoilt it for others discipline is lacking in every school sadly."

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Alex Innard wrote: "School is all about getting young people ready for the world of further education and ultimately work.

"As a line manager, I expect professionalism and discipline from my team. I don't see why schools should be any different."

Clair Chapman said: "Maybe the naughty ones will buck their ideas up and realise they are part of a team and they are letting the whole team down."

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Northampton school defends decision to pull out of national sports tournament ov...

Emma Jane Brown posted: "My children both go to this school and have never been in trouble so why should they be penalised for the bad behaviour of others. I teach my children they are responsible for their actions!"

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And Emma Louise Coles responded: "My girls both go to this school and have never been in trouble, never missed a day off school, always do after-school clubs, both are into their sports and are both sad that’s it’s been cancelled and have both said why should we be punished for someone else's bad behaviour?"

Dionne Bennett commented: "The ‘bad behaviour’ were silly things like what socks they are wearing, how they wear their backpack and at worst a bit of chatting in class.

"I know this for a fact as my daughter attends this school and missed out on Winter Cup.

"The teachers told them it was three per cent of the pupils that were ‘naughty’!!! This school has turned into an army camp.

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"They are crossing the line of parental responsibilities and treating the kids like prisoners. This is not a normal school!!!"

Others unrelated to the school were also angry, including Graham George: "Crazy decision. Penalise all instead of those responsible. This is no way to gain or maintain the respect of pupils or indeed their parents. Shame on you."

What do you think? Comment on social media or email [email protected].

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