REVEALED: The biggest pet hates of the school run

The top pet hates of parents on the schoolrunThe top pet hates of parents on the schoolrun
The top pet hates of parents on the schoolrun
With school term just restarted, frustrations are already starting to show as parents have revealed their top school run gripes.

Bad parking by other parents is the number one concern during the school run with one third of parents citing is as their biggest bugbear, according to a new study from online parenting resource

Indeed, 84 per cent of parents believe more needs to be done to tackle the growing problem of disrespectful and dangerous parkers.

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More than a third of parents say they would be in favour of a school traffic warden scheme (made up of both parents and teachers) who volunteer to issue ‘school parking tickets’ to fine bad parkers – with the money being donated to the school PTA.

Almost another third believe it is appropriate to name and shame bad parkers in school newsletters and on school noticeboards.

In an ideal world, 16 per cent of those questioned say they would ban people who live within a two-mile radius of the school from driving when they can easily walk.

However, a further 16 per cent say there is little point in doing anything about the parking problem, as they believe that things won’t change.

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Bad parking wasn’t the only thing that got parents hot under the collar - the second biggest complaint was the growing numbers of parents setting a bad example to children by smoking outside the school gates during drop off and pick up times.

Another major irritation for parents, ranking in the top three, was dog mess left on the ground outside school, ranking in the top three concerns.

Mother of two and Marketing Director at Families, Faye Mingo said: “Bad parkers continue to be a problem for parents and schools during the school run but what is interesting is the number of parents that want to take action to do something about it.

“The numbers of parents smoking outside school despite the education geared towards young people around the dangers and health issues associated with cigarettes is also worrying.”

Top pet hates at the school gates

Bad parking

Parents smoking outside school

Dog mess outside school

‘Cliquey’ mums gossiping

Groups of parents chatting and blocking surrounding pathways

Toddlers on scooters

Teachers lurking at the gates to shame late arrivals