Here’s 42 roads in and around Northampton where police speed cameras could be waiting for YOU

Vans watch out for drivers committing any of the deadly ‘fatal five’ offences

Northamptonshire Police sends out its fleet of marked enforcement vans every day with cameras watching for motorists breaking the law by driving dangerously faster than the speed limit, not wearing seatbelts or using their phone behind the wheel.

These are 42 locations in and around Northampton that are either listed on the force Safer Roads Unit website or are known to be a spot where any one of them could be parked.

There’s another 130-odd spots scattered around Northamptonshire, too, where transgressors could land themselves a hefty fine and points on their licence.

Speeding is one of the so-called Fatal Five offences — alongside drink-driving, no seatbelt, distractions such as phones and using devices behind the wheel and careless or inconsiderate driving — most frequently linked to deaths and serious injuries on the road. Research shows a pedestrian hit by a car at 40mph is four times more likely to die than one hit at 30mph.

Operations manager Matt O’Connell said: “Driving at excess or inappropriate speed is one of the biggest causation factors in collisions and even just a few miles per hour over the limit can have extreme consequences, leaving families devastated by the loss of loved ones.”

These images are illustrative only and not the precise locations of where the vans park, which could change without notice.