The Mayor and Mayoress at the High Sheriff's Court Service. Picture: Stu Vincent PhotographyThe Mayor and Mayoress at the High Sheriff's Court Service. Picture: Stu Vincent Photography
The Mayor and Mayoress at the High Sheriff's Court Service. Picture: Stu Vincent Photography

Northampton Mayor’s Monthly Update

Welcome to the monthly update from The Mayor and Mayoress of Northampton, Cllr Hibbert and Liz Cox, giving a selection of their latest engagements with the town’s many wonderful community groups, organisations, charities, schools, businesses and more, in Northampton and beyond… . To keep up to date on all Mayoral activities, follow the Mayor’s Facebook page:

October 2023 was a busy month for the Mayor and Mayoress, who attended 27 engagements in total. Here are a few of the highlights;Northampton Town Council hosted the It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards as part of the East Midlands in Bloom project – this initiative aims to build and grow connections through community planting projects in all the wards within the parish in the coming years. The Town Council provides Bloom start up grants and hosted a Bloom themed Wellness Walk around Abington Park this summer. To find out more you can visit the council’s website:

The Mayor and Mayoress were honoured to be invited to the 100th birthday of Abington Community Library, which opened on Lindsay Avenue in 1923!

The Mayor and Mayoress also were thrilled to open local cancer charity, The Lewis Foundation's new charity shop in the Grosvenor Shopping Centre Northampton.

The Mayor, throughout his term, supports the Prince's Trust Team Northamptonshire - last month marked the Northampton North Prince’s Trust Team 75's Community Project Launch. In the coming weeks, the team will be working on their placements, after doing an outstanding job decorating Abington Avenue United Reformed Church.

The Mayor and Mayoress welcomed Leading Cadet Robert Knight as their newly appointed Civic Cadet from the Northampton Sea Cadets. Robert will be supporting the Mayor and Mayoress for their official civic duties throughout their term.

The Mayor and Mayoress also were thrilled to open local cancer charity, The Lewis Foundation's new charity shop in the Grosvenor Shopping Centre Northampton.

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