Help me Northamptonshire Police...for my dad's crime against fashion!

Family member 'reports' dad for wearing the same flip-flops for 20 years

Northamptonshire Police's social media account got an unusual report of a "crime" yesterday, Friday.

Kathryn Hall, posting from her Twitter account @kathycool77, messaged the county force to say: "Do you have a crimes against fashion department? My dad has been wearing these terrible flip flops for about 20 years, with socks, and Jeans that are too short. He claims he's staying home and alert but this really is a crime."

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The message was received in the good humour it was intended, and a spokesperson replied: "Hi Kathryn, unfortunately we don’t have a team that look into crimes against fashion but we’ll raise it with @NorthantsChief for consideration. Your Dad might be starting a new trend though? We like his jeans in particular Thank him for staying safe for us."

Chief Constable Nick Adderley chipped in too: "I’m afraid half of our CID would be guilty of crimes against fashion if we brought it in!"