Picture: Paul Howard PhotographyPicture: Paul Howard Photography
Picture: Paul Howard Photography

Families join forces to raise money for Hope Centre in Northampton...by camping out in their garden

So far, they have raised an amazing £2,640

On Friday and Saturday night a group of children from the reception class at Pattishall primary school wanted to join together and raise vital funds for The Hope Centre in Northampton.

The children decided to either camp in their garden, some in tents others under a gazebo in cardboard boxes. Other children slept on their kitchen floors in cardboard boxes.

All the children and families have been blown away with the generosity that has been raised for The Hope Centre so far....currently the grand total is £2640.

These funds will go towards the incredible work that the Hope Centre does for the vulnerable and homeless people of Northamptonshire.

Oliver, one of the children taking part, said: "I was super duper excited to sleep outside in the tent. It was cold and wet but we raised lots of money to help people find homes and to give them some food."

Leo added: "It's cold for them and its sad..they don’t have a house or covers to keep them warm..I want to give them all my money because they don’t have any."

And Wilfred said: "We camped out in our cardboard tent to raise money to help people who might not have a home and to help keep people safe."

All the children and families have been blown away with the generosity that has been raised for The Hope Centre so far....currently the grand total is £2640.